
Smacombe.net is an IT company specializing in web hosting and VOIP (Internet phone) technology.

VOIP (internet telephony) is a service we sell to private individuals and smaller businesses and SMEs.  We can offer a cost effective alternative to expensive switchboards, solutions for multi site businesses and second home owners. You can generally keep your existing land line number.

Web hosting is available to individuals, businesses, voluntary organizations and charities.  We have a range of standard packages to meet most needs, and are delighted to discuss additional requirements.  We can provide services to almost any size of organization, from the smallest to large companies. We also provide services to individuals and one person businesses

We have Cisco and Microsoft certified staff and provide additional services to larger businesses. We offer consultancy to all sizes of businesses from one person to some of Britain’s largest companies.  Please feel free to contact us for more information – we can put you in touch with a partner organization if this is more appropriate

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Internet services for all